Lobby hobby

Yesterday and today, I attended the Nebraska State AFL-CIO annual legislative conference as a delegate from my union. Representatives from several unions were in attendance, and the diversity of policy concerns was staggering. In the current political moment, this was to be expected – even so, there was a lot to absorb.

On Tuesday we met at the local firefighters’ hall, where my own union holds its monthly area meetings. It’s a sweet venue that I’ll forever associate with free pizza and other craft service. A parade of speakers made presentations on union concerns, industry trends, technological developments, and downstream effects on labor and workers.

Today was oriented towards a little light lobbying; breakfast, a few morning speakers (all state senators this time), the delegation being recognized by the Unicameral in the legislative chamber, then meeting with lawmakers to discuss policy or, more generally, show union colors and try to get a read on [un]friendly stances towards labor.

My own senator is on our side, so I stood back while board members from my union felt out those legislators who might be less supportive of our goals, or openly hostile towards labor concerns. I chatted with a few other senators’ staff members, and ultimately a good time was had by all. (One energetically labor-friendly lawmaker called this conference his “favorite day of the year.” It was easy to see that he meant it.)

I completely burned myself out socially; a good night’s hard sleep will be splendid. I’m sure more thoughts about this conference – and coming ones – will spool out over the coming weeks. It’s possible I’ll have more to say about this or that. Meanwhile, please enjoy a picture of the dragonfly mosaic from our state capitol rotunda.